Dark Markets
Dark Markets is a two day strategic conference that will look into the state of the art of media politics, information technologies and theories of democracy. A variety of international speaktes will inquire into strategies of oppositional movements and discuss the role of new media.
Chantal Mouffe at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Geert Lovink, Florian Schneider at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Dark Markets Exhibition 2002
Franco Berardi at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Panel: Dark Markets 2002
Paulina Borsook at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Ned Rossiter at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Soenke Zehle at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Dark Markets Exhibition 2002
Dark Markets Exhibition 2002
Dark Markets Exhibition 2002
Panel: Dark Markets 2002
Panel: Dark Markets 2002
Panel: Dark Markets 2002
Franco Berardi at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Soenke Zehle at Dark Markets Conference 2002, Panel
Audience at Dark Markets 2002
Audience at Dark Markets 2002
Christoph Spehr at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Arianne Bove, Erik Empson at Dark Markets Conference 2002
Dark Markets Exhibition 2002
Panel: Dark Markets 2002