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Whose Democracy? Information Flows, NGOs and the Predicament of Developing States

Everyone likes to claim their organisations operate in ways that adhere to basic democratic principles. The complex of informational relations between African states, supranational entities, corporations, civilian populations and NGOs is defined by various scalar tensions that seriously undermine the constitutive dimensions of a democratic polity. Herein lies the logic of uneven modernities. This talk considers the paradoxical role played by NGOs in developing civic infrastructures, and suggests that greater focus needs to be placed by NGOs on securing intellectual property rights for developing states as the condition of political and economic sovereignty within informational and biotech economies.
Content type
Projects Dark Markets
Public Netbase
Date 03.10.2002
Location Vienna


colonialism TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) NGO non governmental organisations humanitarian environmental disasters civil wars genocide instability currency crisis developing countries development Global South transitionary countries quasi-states democracy nation building informational economies indigenous knowledge cultural production transnational corporations (TNCs) indigenous people biological knowledge cyber-libertarians open source movements exploitation government regulation government intervention hypocrisy righteousness supranational entities network state New Economy neoliberal neoliberalism social networks liberalisation democracy tech-wreck deregulation privatisation accountability accountancy transparency German Initiative to Ban Landmines civil society dependency relation regulation civilian interest local communities Third Way trade unions collective residual memory post-political modernity modernising experiences authoritarian governments horizontal expansion of informational flows global state empire digital divide dependency internet mapping project monopoly on information flows informational nodes map of Internet Users Worldwide technological Apartheid connection rate civic infrastructure education system IP laws IP rights IPR ISP ISP Internet Service Provider Intellectual Property Rights advocacy role anti-IPR domain name patents pro-IPR product patents technology patents IP Intellectual Property Regimes radio stations CONE country code domains Asia Europe Middle East Africa Asia Pacific North America Scandinavia Ned Rossiter Saskia Sassen Antonio Negri Manuel Castells Michael Hardt Enron IMF World Bank International Monetary Fund Ghassan Hage Martin Shaw Matthew Zook Ankie Hoogvelt NUA
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