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Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces

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World-Information Institute

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Das unvermeidliche Ende des Internet und der Untergang der Informationsgesellschaft
Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces
Thomas Grueter (11.06.2014)
Das Internet und die Infrastrukturen, die es benötigt, sind langfristig instabil. Der Vortrag erläutert die wichtigsten Schwachpunkte und die Gefahren, die sich daraus für unsere Lebenweise ergeben. Ohne Gegenmaßnahmen wird die Informationsgesellschaft noch in diesem Jahrhundert zusammenbrechen.
Recht auf Stadt: Die andere Utopie einer urbanen Gesellschaft
Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces
Christoph Laimer (11.06.2014)
Smart City ist ein auf technologischen und kommerziell verwertbaren Maßnahmen und Produkten basierendes Top-Down-Konzept für die Zukunft der Stadt. Mit einem völlig anderen Ansatz engagieren sich unter dem Slogan “Recht auf Stadt” weltweit Initiativen. Ihre Utopie einer urbanen Gesellschaft stellt die Bewohner und deren Leben in den Mittelpunkt.
Urban Development in the Information Age
Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces
Barbara Saringer-Bory (11.06.2014)
What are cities expecting to achieve through informatization and what is the role of information technology in these plans? The presentation will critically review current concepts of sustainable urban development and focus on IT systems which are being deployed, primarily in the area of mobility and energy.
The Sustainable City as a Flexible Framework? Between the poles of local urban development and supra-regional networks.
Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces
Daiva Jakutyte-Walangitang (11.06.2014)
The presentation looks at the interelations between the increasing global networking- and development dynamics and the impact of locally anchored aspects of sustainability. On the one hand, cities are understood as heterogenous reference systems and their development in regard to sustainability, energy efficiency und – supply as part of a universal development dynamics, on the other hand the meaning of specific local urban situations is embedded in this context.
Another City is Possible: Networked Urbanism from Above and Below.
Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces
Adam Greenfield (11.06.2014)
The idea of IT driven urban renewal enjoys considerable intellectual currency at the moment in the popular media as well as conversations in architecture, urban planning, and local government. In this talk, Adam Greenfield will argue that these discourses offer a potentially authoritarian vision of cities under centralized, computational surveillance and control: overplanned, over-determined, and driven by the needs of enterprise. What might some more fruitful alternatives look like? How can we design urban technology that responds to our needs, demands, and desires? Above all, how might we inscribe a robust conception of the right to the city in the technological systems that will do so much to define urban experience in the twenty-first century?
Technologies for the People? A bottom-up approach to urban informatisation
Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces
Marleen Stikker (11.06.2014)
This talk focuses on bottom-up answers to digital civil rights and new formats of citizen participation. Urban social innovation offered by the Open Design and Creative Commons movement include the Fair Meter Initiative, which has launched a smart energy meter implementing social standards of data protection.
Digital Clouds Panel: Global Processes and Local Spaces
Digital Clouds and Urban Spaces
Elke Rauth moderates the concluding debate with Ina Homeier (MA18, City of Vienna) Adam Greenfield (Urbanscale, New York), Marleen Stikker (De Waag, Amsterdam), Oliver Schuerer (TU Wien)


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