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World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003

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The Problem with WSIS
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Alan Toner (11.12.2003)
We begin with a tale of two terms: the well aired and well known "Information Society", and its rather furtive and less well known relation, "intellectual property" (IP).
Why do intellectual property issues matter?
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Felix Stalder | Konrad Becker (10.12.2003)
We have to develop, discuss and implement models how to create and share digital information that are open and dynamic. Taking full advantage of the Internet's empowering capacities, the commons is based on the very idea that information can be copied and distributed easily and cheaply by everyone.
Editorial of World-Information Special IP Edition, Geneva 2003.
Please, Pirate My Songs!
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Ignacio Escolar (17.01.2001)
Free distribution of songs over the Internet will not put an end to musical creation, but I hope it will put an end to the abusive practices of the recording industry.
The Right to Read
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Richard Stallman (02.02.1997)
In the US, the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act established the legal basis to restrict the reading and lending of computerized books (and other data too). The European Union imposed similar restrictions in a 2001 copyright directive.
The Absurdity of Software Patents
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Arun Mehta (10.12.2003)
Software patents have a dubious legal basis, are unworkable, and hamper industrial growth.
The Emperor's Sword: Art under WIPO
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Brian Holmes (10.12.2003)
One function of copyright today is to make artists the allies of the established order.
Looking beyond IP: Access and Innovation in Medical Technologies
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
James Love (27.05.2003)
There is an almost unbounded interest in the development of new health care technologies that will prolong life or reduce suffering. The pace and direction of innovation will depend in part on the resources mobilized for research and development (R&D).
GNUbalisation. Open Source in India
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Frederick Noronha (10.12.2003)
But, one could say, FLOSS is not just about getting software at a cheaper price. It is about sharing, helping others, and benefitting in the process. It is about a different way of collaborating to solve problems. This could have implications for other spheres of life.
Developing Countries and IP Policy
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Carolyn Deere (10.12.2003)
In the context of a global “information” economy propelled increasingly by knowledge-based industries, the protection of ideas and innovations has become a central priority in the competitive strategies of many powerful economic actors.
First World IP Regimes Slow China's Modernization
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Jeffrey Smith (10.12.2003)
China does not have access to the knowledge it needs in fields that are critical to development.
Open access to science and scholarship
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Peter Suber (10.12.2003)
For readers, journals surpassed books for learning quickly about the recent work of others. For authors, journals surpassed books for sharing new work quickly with the wider world and, above all, for establishing priority over other scientists working on the same problem.
Why You Should Distrust „Trusted Computing“
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Volker Grassmuck (10.12.2003)
Wouldn‘t it be nice if you were able to trust your computer? ..Initiatives for “Trusted” and “Trustworthy Computing” imply that they will turn computers into just that kind of machine. In fact, there are good reasons to distrust them.
Remember: Mimesis is a Form Of Creativity: About Music and Equal Opportunities in the Era of the Digital Sample
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Mercedes Bunz (10.12.2003)
While electronic music in the beginning of the nineties was formatted largely by the aesthetics of repetition, its transforming structure nowadays can be found in the copy.
Biopiracy: Need to Change Western IPR Systems
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Vandana Shiva (10.12.2003)
Nothing less than an overhaul of Western style IPR systems with their intrinsic weaknesses will stop the epidemic of biopiracy.
The Injustice of Intellectual Property
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Peter Drahos (10.12.2003)
Aside from using the criminal law to police their monopolies, intellectual property owners also sermonize to the rest of us on what we should and should not be doing.
The Political Economy of Commons
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
Yochai Benkler (01.06.2003)
"In order to capture the benefits of freedom and innovation that the networked information economy makes possible, we must build a core common infrastructure alongside the proprietary infrastructure."; excerpt
Preserving the Commons in the New Information Order
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
David Bollier (10.12.2003)
Increasingly..it is becoming clear that there is another sector that is at least as important to our well-being..as markets and the state. This sector is the commons.


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