World-Information.Org was set up as a trans-national cultural intelligence provider, a collaborative effort of artists, scientists and technicians. It is a practical example for a technical and contextual environment for cultural production and an independent platform of critical media intelligence. Launched under the patronage of the UNESCO at European cultural capital Brussels 2000, World-Information.Org was set up by the Institute for New Culture Technologies Vienna to meet the needs and expectations of citizens for high quality and accessible services of cultural information. With its mission statement "knowledge of future culture" World-Information.Org explored new technologies and future communication environments along with their implications. monitors and maps the infosphere, the world's invisible nerve system of information networks, as well as the global information economy. Through artistic and scientific exploration of information and communication technologies World- Information.Org disseminates an understanding of their cultural, societal and political implications, and fosters future cultural practice. An agent of digital democratization and the pursuit of digital human rights, enlightening the opportunities, challenges and risks of information and communication technology, World-Information.Org provides information necessary for a democratic development of society, culture and politics. addresses the rise of electronic information- and communication technology in which our society is subject to deep structural changes and transformations that affect all aspects of social life. recognizes that ICT is not Science Fiction; it is now that we experience a steady increase in the importance of intelligently processed information and communications and this demands new ideas at the interface of culture and techno-politics. declares that not only the influence of communication and information technologies on culture and arts, needs to be examined but the artistic and cultural practice with and within digital networks and the resulting changes in society, politics and the artistic practice itself. demonstrates artistic practice in an increasingly immaterialized world, in which reference-information on situations are more relevant than the situation itself, and the use of digital networks for symbol-manipulation becomes more and more important. shows that the "digital revolution", the expected changes both within the sector of work and everyday life through the increasing use of ICT in analogy to the profound changes in our society through the "Industrial Revolution" or so-called "Gutenberg Revolution" is very much related to what is happening in the field of biotechnology, biometrics and the fusion of "flesh and machine". monitors and maps the infosphere, the world's invisible nerve system of information networks, as well as the global information economy. Through artistic and scientific exploration of information and communication technologies World- Information.Org disseminates an understanding of their cultural, societal and political implications, and fosters future cultural practice. An agent of digital democratization and the pursuit of digital human rights, enlightening the opportunities, challenges and risks of information and communication technology, World-Information.Org provides information necessary for a democratic development of society, culture and politics. addresses the rise of electronic information- and communication technology in which our society is subject to deep structural changes and transformations that affect all aspects of social life. recognizes that ICT is not Science Fiction; it is now that we experience a steady increase in the importance of intelligently processed information and communications and this demands new ideas at the interface of culture and techno-politics. declares that not only the influence of communication and information technologies on culture and arts, needs to be examined but the artistic and cultural practice with and within digital networks and the resulting changes in society, politics and the artistic practice itself. demonstrates artistic practice in an increasingly immaterialized world, in which reference-information on situations are more relevant than the situation itself, and the use of digital networks for symbol-manipulation becomes more and more important. shows that the "digital revolution", the expected changes both within the sector of work and everyday life through the increasing use of ICT in analogy to the profound changes in our society through the "Industrial Revolution" or so-called "Gutenberg Revolution" is very much related to what is happening in the field of biotechnology, biometrics and the fusion of "flesh and machine".
Sub projects:
World Information Special City Edition Tunis 2005World-Information City Paris 2009
World-Information Special IP Edition Geneva 2003
World-Information.Org Amsterdam 2002
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005
World-Information.Org Brussels 2000
World-Information.Org Serbia (Novi Sad / Belgrade) 2003
World-Information.Org Vienna 2000
World-Information.Org – Politik der Infosphäre
Referenced content:
Culture, Conflict and Control in the Infosphere
From "The Future of Computer Arts"
Edited by Marina Grzinic
Published by MASKA, Ljubljana MKC, Maribor 2004
From "The Future of Computer Arts"
Edited by Marina Grzinic
Published by MASKA, Ljubljana MKC, Maribor 2004
World-Information City Paris
World-Information City Conference Paris 2009, World-Information.Org, World-Information City Paris 2009
Short documentary of debates around WIC Paris- Insights on urban transformations in a digitally networked world. With: Bruno Latour, Saskia Sassen, Stephen Graham, John Urry, Eyal Weizman, Brian Holmes a.o.
World-Information City Conference Paris 2009, World-Information.Org, World-Information City Paris 2009
Short documentary of debates around WIC Paris- Insights on urban transformations in a digitally networked world. With: Bruno Latour, Saskia Sassen, Stephen Graham, John Urry, Eyal Weizman, Brian Holmes a.o.
INPEG - Initiative Against Economic Globalization
An Interview with Alice Dvorská.
She works as activist on different aspects of "globalization" and is press agent of INPEG. After her presentation at the World-Information Forum in Vienna, she spoke about state repression on political activists in the Czech Republic.
An Interview with Alice Dvorská.
She works as activist on different aspects of "globalization" and is press agent of INPEG. After her presentation at the World-Information Forum in Vienna, she spoke about state repression on political activists in the Czech Republic.
Psychological Warfare Calls for Disinformation
An interview with Andreas von Bülow, former German Minister for Research and Technology and former German Secretary of Defence, currently a lawyer in Bonn, on disinformation strategies and the role of intelligence services.
An interview with Andreas von Bülow, former German Minister for Research and Technology and former German Secretary of Defence, currently a lawyer in Bonn, on disinformation strategies and the role of intelligence services.
Digital Political Activism
An Interview with Annie. She is part of Indymedia UK and spoke to World-Information.Org about the role of online media in the context of political activism.
An Interview with Annie. She is part of Indymedia UK and spoke to World-Information.Org about the role of online media in the context of political activism.
The Other 98 %
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
An Interview with Arun Mehta. In the course of Amsterdam's World-InfoCon he spoke to World-Information.Org about access, open source, and community radio.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
An Interview with Arun Mehta. In the course of Amsterdam's World-InfoCon he spoke to World-Information.Org about access, open source, and community radio.
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005 - interview Arundhati Roy - Divide et impera
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005, World-Information.Org
How do you control this society? You control it by creating a new class. An Interview with Arundhati Roy.
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005, World-Information.Org
How do you control this society? You control it by creating a new class. An Interview with Arundhati Roy.
No Issues Amidst the Noise
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
In the course of Amsterdam's World-InfoCon Ben Bagdikian spoke to World-Information.Org about the control of the media and its orientation around advertising and what that means for a democracy.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
In the course of Amsterdam's World-InfoCon Ben Bagdikian spoke to World-Information.Org about the control of the media and its orientation around advertising and what that means for a democracy.
Practicing Anti-Capitalism
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
After the World-InfoCon conference in Amsterdam Brian Holmes, writer, art critic and translator told World-Information.Org about his collaboration with the French artist group Bureau 'Études in mapping capitalist structures.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
After the World-InfoCon conference in Amsterdam Brian Holmes, writer, art critic and translator told World-Information.Org about his collaboration with the French artist group Bureau 'Études in mapping capitalist structures.
No Surprises
This excerpt from Gray's book, 'Information, Power and Peace' (Routledge 2002) deals with how new information technologies impact the chances for global peace.
This excerpt from Gray's book, 'Information, Power and Peace' (Routledge 2002) deals with how new information technologies impact the chances for global peace.
Cyborg Society
Chris Hables Gray spoke with Wolfgang Sützl about cyborgs and their implications.
Chris Hables Gray spoke with Wolfgang Sützl about cyborgs and their implications.
Disrupting the Bunker
World-Information.Org, WIO Future Heritage Exhibition Brussels
The Critical Art Ensemble spoke to Wolfgang Sützl about bunkers, non-rational resistance, and the appropriation of uselessness.
World-Information.Org, WIO Future Heritage Exhibition Brussels
The Critical Art Ensemble spoke to Wolfgang Sützl about bunkers, non-rational resistance, and the appropriation of uselessness.
Folks Out There Have a "Distaste of Western Civilization and Cultural Values"
Edward S. Herman, Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School (Pennsylvania, US), reflects on the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Edward S. Herman, Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School (Pennsylvania, US), reflects on the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.
Ingsoc has had a potent replacement with Amcap, and Amcap has actually taken on more vitality with the death of Ingsoc. It can claim that not only have freedom and liberal democracy triumphed over tyranny, but that doublethink and thought control have also ended with the close of the system of tyranny.
Ingsoc has had a potent replacement with Amcap, and Amcap has actually taken on more vitality with the death of Ingsoc. It can claim that not only have freedom and liberal democracy triumphed over tyranny, but that doublethink and thought control have also ended with the close of the system of tyranny.
Information Should be Free
An interview with Eveline Lubbers. She is an investigative reporter and specialized activist living in Amsterdam. She co-founded Buro Jansen & Janssen and told World-Information.Org about her view on the role of information in democratic societies.
An interview with Eveline Lubbers. She is an investigative reporter and specialized activist living in Amsterdam. She co-founded Buro Jansen & Janssen and told World-Information.Org about her view on the role of information in democratic societies.
Free Software Commons between North and South
Can the freedom inherent in “free and open source software” (FOSS) foster greater freedom in diverse societies, including people who are not expert users of computers or do not have access to them at all?
Can the freedom inherent in “free and open source software” (FOSS) foster greater freedom in diverse societies, including people who are not expert users of computers or do not have access to them at all?
Net Culture, New Media And the Social Body
An interview with Franco Berardi Bifo. He spoke to Wolfgang Sützl about his concept of the "cognitariat"
An interview with Franco Berardi Bifo. He spoke to Wolfgang Sützl about his concept of the "cognitariat"
Closed Networks in an Open Society
Throughout the eighties and nineties efforts have been put in by engineers and programmers to open up the academic computer networks. Their concern was not only related to access via a modem or terminals. The main battle was fought out on the level of software and network architecture.
Throughout the eighties and nineties efforts have been put in by engineers and programmers to open up the academic computer networks. Their concern was not only related to access via a modem or terminals. The main battle was fought out on the level of software and network architecture.
"A creative virtuality is closely related to affordable spaces"
An interview with Geert Lovink. The Dutch media theorist and activist on the role of artistic practice in the digital sphere, the need of "Cultural Intelligence" and the overestimation of technology.
An interview with Geert Lovink. The Dutch media theorist and activist on the role of artistic practice in the digital sphere, the need of "Cultural Intelligence" and the overestimation of technology.
Digital Political Irony
Heath Bunting spoke to World-Information.Org about CCTV and the reinvention of political irony.
Heath Bunting spoke to World-Information.Org about CCTV and the reinvention of political irony.
A Game for Love and Fascism
The story of Giacomo Pucchini's opera "Tosca" provides an exercise in game theory.
The story of Giacomo Pucchini's opera "Tosca" provides an exercise in game theory.
Information Needs Are Legitimate
Interview with Kay Raseroka, President of IFLA (International Association of Library Associations) and Director of Library Services at the University of Botswana on copyright issues in a library context.
Interview with Kay Raseroka, President of IFLA (International Association of Library Associations) and Director of Library Services at the University of Botswana on copyright issues in a library context.
Digital Implants: Pick-me-ups for the Cyber Age
An interview with Kevin Warwick. The professor at the University of Reading (UK), on electronic drugs, the future of communication and the usefulness of implants.
An interview with Kevin Warwick. The professor at the University of Reading (UK), on electronic drugs, the future of communication and the usefulness of implants.
Freedom of Expression and New Technologies
On 7 October, 2002, Konrad Becker, Director of World-Information.Org, was invited to deliver the keynote speech at the preparatory event for the OSCE Mediterranean Seminar on media and new technologies: implications for governments, international organizations and civil society.
On 7 October, 2002, Konrad Becker, Director of World-Information.Org, was invited to deliver the keynote speech at the preparatory event for the OSCE Mediterranean Seminar on media and new technologies: implications for governments, international organizations and civil society.
Globalisation: Materiality and the Limits of a Will to Power
Speaking at the World Information City Conference, Bangalore, historian and cultural critic Lata Mani challenged the widespread belief in the triumph of globalisation. Bangalore's IT locations, she argues, are "like fortresses built on the quicksand of a culturally alien territory".
Speaking at the World Information City Conference, Bangalore, historian and cultural critic Lata Mani challenged the widespread belief in the triumph of globalisation. Bangalore's IT locations, she argues, are "like fortresses built on the quicksand of a culturally alien territory".
Public Domain in India
An interview with Lawrence Liang. He is a researcher at the Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore, one of World-Information.Org's partners for the 2005 India program.
An interview with Lawrence Liang. He is a researcher at the Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore, one of World-Information.Org's partners for the 2005 India program.
Libraries and the Information Commons - New Opportunities to Participate in the Information Society
Past President of the American Library Association Nancy Kranich on the status quo and future of libraries in participating in the information commons.
Past President of the American Library Association Nancy Kranich on the status quo and future of libraries in participating in the information commons.
"What matters most is whether or not there is an intelligence debate at all."
World-Information.Org researcher Katja Mayer spoke to Nicky Hager about Echelon, the politics of intelligence, and the threat to democratic governance posed by intelligence beyond public accountability.
World-Information.Org researcher Katja Mayer spoke to Nicky Hager about Echelon, the politics of intelligence, and the threat to democratic governance posed by intelligence beyond public accountability.
Is art suitable for political argumentation?
The work of the Austrian artist Oliver Ressler mainly focuses on socio-political issues. He spoke with World-Information.Org about globalization, genetic engineering, and the connection between art and politics.
The work of the Austrian artist Oliver Ressler mainly focuses on socio-political issues. He spoke with World-Information.Org about globalization, genetic engineering, and the connection between art and politics.
Internet: Motor of Development
World-Information.Org talked to Oumou Sy about the political and developmental dimension of her work, the relation of fashion and new technologies, and ingenious approaches to local appropriations of the Internet.
World-Information.Org talked to Oumou Sy about the political and developmental dimension of her work, the relation of fashion and new technologies, and ingenious approaches to local appropriations of the Internet.
"All sort of terminology is filtered through the market"
Pauline van Mourik Broekmann acted as chairperson at the World-Information Forum held in Vienna last November, where she spoke about the concepts of MUTE, globalization and the human cattle behavior.
Pauline van Mourik Broekmann acted as chairperson at the World-Information Forum held in Vienna last November, where she spoke about the concepts of MUTE, globalization and the human cattle behavior.
"Propaganda is not simply a question of manipulation and disinformation."
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
Philip Hammond spoke to Wolfgang Sützl after his presentation at the World-InfoCon in Brussels 2001.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
Philip Hammond spoke to Wolfgang Sützl after his presentation at the World-InfoCon in Brussels 2001.
A Global Framework for the Information Society
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
World-Information.Org´s chief researcher Wolfgang Sützl spoke to Philippe Quéau about democratic governance in the information society, the seduction of the market, and the protection of the electronic heritage of the future.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
World-Information.Org´s chief researcher Wolfgang Sützl spoke to Philippe Quéau about democratic governance in the information society, the seduction of the market, and the protection of the electronic heritage of the future.
Listening In
Ex-NSA Agent Ryan Schoelerman spoke to World-Information.Org about military data collection, disinformation and Serbo-Croatian language training.
Ex-NSA Agent Ryan Schoelerman spoke to World-Information.Org about military data collection, disinformation and Serbo-Croatian language training.
The Threath to Privacy
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
In this lecture at the WIO World InfoCon at Brussels Saskia Sassen spoke about the "Topography of E-space - electronic networks and public space"
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
In this lecture at the WIO World InfoCon at Brussels Saskia Sassen spoke about the "Topography of E-space - electronic networks and public space"
"There are tremendous empowerment possibilities, provided that the technology is in the right hands."
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
Wolfgang Sützl spoke to Shahidul Alam during the World-InfoCon in Brussels, in July 2000.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels
Wolfgang Sützl spoke to Shahidul Alam during the World-InfoCon in Brussels, in July 2000.
Weapons of Mass Deception
On 28 July 2003 PR Watch editors Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber will present their new book "Weapons of Mass Deception". World-Information has received a copy in advance and read about how public relations campaigns successfully sold the Iraqi war to the American public.
On 28 July 2003 PR Watch editors Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber will present their new book "Weapons of Mass Deception". World-Information has received a copy in advance and read about how public relations campaigns successfully sold the Iraqi war to the American public.
“Grassroots Movements Can Learn from the PR industry.”
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
During the World-InfoCon conference in Amsterdam Sheldon Rampton, editor of PR Watch, spoke to World-Information.Org about improving grassroots techniques of advocacy.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
During the World-InfoCon conference in Amsterdam Sheldon Rampton, editor of PR Watch, spoke to World-Information.Org about improving grassroots techniques of advocacy.
Europe Is Awash with Eavesdrop Technologies
You might not have noticed it yet, but your boss probably has you under surveillance. Simon Davies reports from Britain on a disturbing trend.
You might not have noticed it yet, but your boss probably has you under surveillance. Simon Davies reports from Britain on a disturbing trend.
Invisibly Seeing the Invisible - A Biometrical Paradigm
World-Information.Org seems not only necessary to further examine the impact of biometric knowledge on the formation of modern societies, but also to fundamentally question the ongoing generalizations of the use of biometric techniques, whether in private contexts or in governmental actions.
World-Information.Org seems not only necessary to further examine the impact of biometric knowledge on the formation of modern societies, but also to fundamentally question the ongoing generalizations of the use of biometric techniques, whether in private contexts or in governmental actions.
Surveillance Technology: "Now people are seeing the dangers and that's important."
Steve Wright is director of the OMEGA foundation, and author of the report on technologies of political control for the European Parliament. He spoke to Wolfgang Sützl about actual developments concerning surveillance technology and his optimism that global surveillance will soon become a political issue.
Steve Wright is director of the OMEGA foundation, and author of the report on technologies of political control for the European Parliament. He spoke to Wolfgang Sützl about actual developments concerning surveillance technology and his optimism that global surveillance will soon become a political issue.
The Total Surveillance of Public Space
Everywhere we go, we leave information trails monitored by the credit card companies, who target us with products or can tell when our cards are not being used in normal transaction patterns. Arguably all of this is to our benefit, we are consumers of these products and can choose not to provide this information, or can we?
Everywhere we go, we leave information trails monitored by the credit card companies, who target us with products or can tell when our cards are not being used in normal transaction patterns. Arguably all of this is to our benefit, we are consumers of these products and can choose not to provide this information, or can we?
Pirates, Priests and Property
Sunil Abraham, founder of the World-Information City partner institution Mahiti, in an interview on the politics of IP, traditional barriers to knowledge, and pirate subcultures.
Sunil Abraham, founder of the World-Information City partner institution Mahiti, in an interview on the politics of IP, traditional barriers to knowledge, and pirate subcultures.
Tough choices?
The World Economic Forum at Davos brimmed over with moral rethoric and with calls for solidarity. Meanwhile, the implementation of TRIPS in India could bar millions from access to medication.
The World Economic Forum at Davos brimmed over with moral rethoric and with calls for solidarity. Meanwhile, the implementation of TRIPS in India could bar millions from access to medication.
9/11 Paves the Way for New Surveillance Legislation
Anti-terror Laws Push Communication Interception and Data Sharing / Links
Anti-terror Laws Push Communication Interception and Data Sharing / Links
Architectures of Control. Containment And Information.
A far cry from the optimistic sentiment that ran across the emerging net community in the mid Nineties, „freedom of information“ in electronic networks is increasingly viewed as a „security hazard“. Systems of containment are emerging, in which data, but also bodies are directed by architectures of control.
A far cry from the optimistic sentiment that ran across the emerging net community in the mid Nineties, „freedom of information“ in electronic networks is increasingly viewed as a „security hazard“. Systems of containment are emerging, in which data, but also bodies are directed by architectures of control.
Creative Industries vs. Creative Commons
While cultural production is more and more privatized by the industry, the age-old idea of the commons undergoes a revival.
While cultural production is more and more privatized by the industry, the age-old idea of the commons undergoes a revival.
World-InfoCon Amsterdam 2002: Conference Report
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
The two-day World-InfoCon conference “The Network Society of Control“ concluded World-Information.Org’s program in Amsterdam.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
The two-day World-InfoCon conference “The Network Society of Control“ concluded World-Information.Org’s program in Amsterdam.
Lethal Cognition
Entanglement nets form part of the less-than-lethal-weapons armory that was heralded in past years as a step to a new kind of war: bloodless, and therefore “humane”.
Entanglement nets form part of the less-than-lethal-weapons armory that was heralded in past years as a step to a new kind of war: bloodless, and therefore “humane”.
Institutional Disinformation v. Alternative News Channels
Disinformation is back on the agenda. It forms part of the battle for “information superiority“ in the current war, and is an essential component of strategic planning, according to the US Forces Joint Vision 2010.
Disinformation is back on the agenda. It forms part of the battle for “information superiority“ in the current war, and is an essential component of strategic planning, according to the US Forces Joint Vision 2010.
Software Patents: The Limits of IP
Software patents have a dubious legal basis, are unworkable, and hamper industrial growth“, says Arun Mehta, Indian IT consultant and media activist in an article soon to be published."
Software patents have a dubious legal basis, are unworkable, and hamper industrial growth“, says Arun Mehta, Indian IT consultant and media activist in an article soon to be published."
World Summit on the Information Society: Infopaper Released
Even though not many would expect the summit in Geneva to lay the foundations for a new and different Information Society the event has a symbolic meaning.
Even though not many would expect the summit in Geneva to lay the foundations for a new and different Information Society the event has a symbolic meaning.
World Summit on the Information Society - Success or Failure?
60 government leaders, officials from 175 countries and another 10,000 representatives from civil society, media, business and technology gathered in Geneva in December 2003 for a three-day World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) organized by United Nations and International Telecommunication Union.
60 government leaders, officials from 175 countries and another 10,000 representatives from civil society, media, business and technology gathered in Geneva in December 2003 for a three-day World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) organized by United Nations and International Telecommunication Union.
Freedom, Terror and Semiotic Democracy
Founding Member of Critical Art Ensemble and World-Information.Org Consultant Faces Terrorism Charges
Founding Member of Critical Art Ensemble and World-Information.Org Consultant Faces Terrorism Charges
IP Battles in India
Conflicts around Indian Intellectual Property policies abound as the country adjusts to WTO / TRIPS requirements. With its Indian partners, World-Information.Org is preparing a program at Bangalore.
Conflicts around Indian Intellectual Property policies abound as the country adjusts to WTO / TRIPS requirements. With its Indian partners, World-Information.Org is preparing a program at Bangalore.
Surveying Global Information Cities
Urbanist Solly Benjamin on economics, land-use policies, and social conflict in India's IT capital Bangalore
Urbanist Solly Benjamin on economics, land-use policies, and social conflict in India's IT capital Bangalore
Urban Futures: Global Bangalores
The Indian IT City Bangalore is becoming a showcase of economic globalization. But the post-Silicon Valley urban model is overshadowed by social fragmentation.
The Indian IT City Bangalore is becoming a showcase of economic globalization. But the post-Silicon Valley urban model is overshadowed by social fragmentation.
Grey Markets, Decentral Media
Ravi Sundaram on media cultures in India's post-colonial cities.
Ravi Sundaram on media cultures in India's post-colonial cities.
World-Information City Bangalore
World-Information.Org, World-Information City Bangalore
World-Information City Programme at Bangalore completed; Infopaper on IP and the city released
World-Information.Org, World-Information City Bangalore
World-Information City Programme at Bangalore completed; Infopaper on IP and the city released
Philip Hammond, Edward S. Herman (eds.), Degraded Capability: The Media and the Kosovo Crisis.
Bookreview: Degraded Capability: The Media and the Kosovo Crisis gives an insight into the hysteria and misinformation that permeated media coverage of the war, and analyses how the war was reported in different countries around the world.
Bookreview: Degraded Capability: The Media and the Kosovo Crisis gives an insight into the hysteria and misinformation that permeated media coverage of the war, and analyses how the war was reported in different countries around the world.
EU Directive on Copyright
Controversial Copyright Directive Finally Adopted / Links
Controversial Copyright Directive Finally Adopted / Links
International Copyright: Harmonization, Enforcement & Extension
The main elements of the TRIPs Agreement, the harmonization of national legislation and the enforcement of IPRs are also key concepts in the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Copyright Treaty of 1996 and the EU Directive on Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society of 2001.
The main elements of the TRIPs Agreement, the harmonization of national legislation and the enforcement of IPRs are also key concepts in the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Copyright Treaty of 1996 and the EU Directive on Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society of 2001.
Post-electoral Yugoslavia
World-Information.Org, World-Information Exhibition Vienna
Zoran Pantelic is a member of the artist group Apsolutno, which was founded in 1993 in Novi Sad. After his dialog tour at the World-Information exhibition in Vienna, he spoke about the current political situation in Yugoslavia.
World-Information.Org, World-Information Exhibition Vienna
Zoran Pantelic is a member of the artist group Apsolutno, which was founded in 1993 in Novi Sad. After his dialog tour at the World-Information exhibition in Vienna, he spoke about the current political situation in Yugoslavia.
World-Information Exhibition Amsterdam
World-InfoCon Amsterdam, World-Information Exhibition Amsterdam, World-Information.Org
World.Information.Org in Oude Kerk/ Amsterdam, November 15 to December 15, 2002
World-InfoCon Amsterdam, World-Information Exhibition Amsterdam, World-Information.Org
World.Information.Org in Oude Kerk/ Amsterdam, November 15 to December 15, 2002






World-Information.Org@Amsterdam - Infocon
World-InfoCon Amsterdam, World-Information.Org
The Amsterdam edition of World-Info-Con 2002 is an international and interdisciplinary forum to examine the recent developments after 9/11 in information law, policing and surveillance, and intellectual property rights in the digital domain.
World-InfoCon Amsterdam, World-Information.Org
The Amsterdam edition of World-Info-Con 2002 is an international and interdisciplinary forum to examine the recent developments after 9/11 in information law, policing and surveillance, and intellectual property rights in the digital domain.






Billboard & Journal - Presentation for World-Information City Bangalore
World-Information.Org, World-Information City Bangalore
Präsentation der Wettbewerbsbeiträge "Billboards Bangalore 2005" und der Zeitung zum Projekt "World-Information City Bangalore (Indien) mit anschließender Diskussion
World-Information.Org, World-Information City Bangalore
Präsentation der Wettbewerbsbeiträge "Billboards Bangalore 2005" und der Zeitung zum Projekt "World-Information City Bangalore (Indien) mit anschließender Diskussion
Myths about Copyright
Non Stop Future, World-Information City Bangalore, World-Information.Org
The task of this paper has been to examine the various myths that sustain copyright. This is just the beginning of the process of questioning the assumptions on which copyright is based. If we are to seriously engage with the totalising logic of copyright, two tasks lie ahead. Firstly, we will need to continue to chip away at the foundational logic of copyright, exposing the shaky grounds on which it makes its universal claims. Secondly, we need to actively examine alternative models through which we can understand the production and dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Non Stop Future, World-Information City Bangalore, World-Information.Org
The task of this paper has been to examine the various myths that sustain copyright. This is just the beginning of the process of questioning the assumptions on which copyright is based. If we are to seriously engage with the totalising logic of copyright, two tasks lie ahead. Firstly, we will need to continue to chip away at the foundational logic of copyright, exposing the shaky grounds on which it makes its universal claims. Secondly, we need to actively examine alternative models through which we can understand the production and dissemination of knowledge and culture.
World-InfoCon Brussels (2000): An Annotated Report
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels, Non Stop Future
While this conference had a deeply pessimistic aura surrounding it in regard to subject matter and critical analysis, there was still a general feeling that effective action could be taken, and that apocalypse was not a predetermined outcome. Autonomous zones still exist in a variety of forms.
World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Brussels, Non Stop Future
While this conference had a deeply pessimistic aura surrounding it in regard to subject matter and critical analysis, there was still a general feeling that effective action could be taken, and that apocalypse was not a predetermined outcome. Autonomous zones still exist in a variety of forms.
World-Information Forum Vienna (2000): Conference Report
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org, World-Information Forum Vienna
The World Information Forum, held in connection with the World Information Exhibition at Vienna's Technical Museum, brought together a number of distinguished speakers who all addressed, each from a different perspective, the political and artistic dilemmas as well as the opportunities contained in the transition to a digital world
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org, World-Information Forum Vienna
The World Information Forum, held in connection with the World Information Exhibition at Vienna's Technical Museum, brought together a number of distinguished speakers who all addressed, each from a different perspective, the political and artistic dilemmas as well as the opportunities contained in the transition to a digital world
The Vienna Document - Xnational Net Culture and "The Need to Know" of Information Societies
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org
Vienna Draft Document by the Open Cultures Working Group hosted by "Towards a Culture of Open Networks" – a collaborative program developed by Sarai CSDS (Delhi), Waag Society (Amsterdam) and World-Information.Org (Vienna).
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org
Vienna Draft Document by the Open Cultures Working Group hosted by "Towards a Culture of Open Networks" – a collaborative program developed by Sarai CSDS (Delhi), Waag Society (Amsterdam) and World-Information.Org (Vienna).
World-InfoCon 2002, Amsterdam
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
A public conference in the frame of World-Information.Org 2002, Amsterdam
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org, World-InfoCon Amsterdam
A public conference in the frame of World-Information.Org 2002, Amsterdam
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org was set up as a trans-national cultural intelligence provider, a collaborative effort of artists, scientists and technicians. It is a practical example for a technical and contextual environment for cultural production and an independent platform of critical media intelligence.
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org was set up as a trans-national cultural intelligence provider, a collaborative effort of artists, scientists and technicians. It is a practical example for a technical and contextual environment for cultural production and an independent platform of critical media intelligence.
About: Future Non Stop
World-Information Institute, World-Information.Org
A Living Archive for Digital Culture in Theory and Practice.
World-Information Institute, World-Information.Org
A Living Archive for Digital Culture in Theory and Practice.