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Deep Methods for the Info-Political Study of Search Engines
Deep Search conference 2008
Richard Rogers (08.11.2008)
Deep Search: presentation
Democratizing Search: Q&A
Deep Search conference 2008
Bernhard Rieder (08.11.2008)
Question & Answer
Democratizing Search (en)
Deep Search conference 2008
Bernhard Rieder (08.11.2008)
Deep Search: presentation
Dissecting the Gatekeepers: Q&A
Deep Search conference 2008
Theo Röhle (08.11.2008)
Question & Answer
Dissecting the Gatekeepers (en)
Deep Search conference 2008
Theo Röhle (08.11.2008)
Deep Search: presentation
Search Engines and Digital Civil Rights: Q&A
Deep Search conference 2008
Joris van Hoboken (08.11.2008)
Question & Answer
Search Engines and Digital Civil Rights
Deep Search conference 2008
Joris van Hoboken (08.11.2008)
Deep Search: presentation
Inside the Google Trap? Q&A
Deep Search conference 2008
Gerald Reischl (08.11.2008)
Question & Answer
Inside the Google Trap?
Deep Search conference 2008
Gerald Reischl (08.11.2008)
Deep Search: presentation
From Trust to Tracks: Q&A
Deep Search conference 2008
Claire Lobet-Maris (08.11.2008)
Question & Answer
From Trust to Tracks (en)
Deep Search conference 2008
Claire Lobet-Maris (08.11.2008)
Deep Search: presentation
The world according to grep: both sides of the search revolution: Q&A
Deep Search conference 2008
Paul Duguid (08.11.2008)
Question & Answer
The world according to grep: both sides of the search revolution
Deep Search conference 2008
Paul Duguid (08.11.2008)
Deep Search: presentation
PulsTV Beitrag: Das Ende der Netbase
Public Netbase
Konrad Becker | Martin Wassermair | Francisco de Sousa Webber (20.07.2006)
Studiogespräch zum politisch erzwungenen Ende der Netbase
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005 - interview Arundhati Roy - Divide et impera (en)
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005
Arundhati Roy | Konrad Becker (18.11.2005)
Divide et Impera - Konrad Becker meets Arundhati Roy at World-Information City Bangalore
The Collateral Damage of Breaking News
World-Information City Bangalore
Arundhati Roy | Lawrence Liang | Shuddhabrata Sengupta (18.11.2005)
Conference Closing Conversation
How can passionate and critical voices make themselves heard in the din of 'embedded journalism'. How can the spell of 'Breaking News' be broken by a insistence on reflective and thoughtful speech? Do we need to look long and hard at how crises get reported? At how things get remembered, forgotten or resurrected? Is the representation of a conflict as subject to moral questions as is participation in the conflict? What is the responsibility of the writer, the journalist, the artist and the practitioner of information - not just in terms of bearing witness to the urgencies of the present, but also in relation to the imperatives of reflection for the future. What else comes free with 'free speech'? These are some of the questions that Arundhati Roy, novelist and essayist will explore.
The Scanner at the Border
World-Information City Bangalore
Florian Schneider | Felix Stalder | Shuddhabrata Sengupta (18.11.2005)
What are the regimes of information control and surveillance that are intrinsic to the rise of the modern system of immigration control and border patrol? How do these systems affect the lives of people on the move, as well as those of people who stay behind fortified borders? What methods are being used to resist and subvert these technologies of control. How have activists responded to the politics of information in the 'No Border; Camps and Campaigns in Europe and elsewhere.
Surveillence, Security and Social Sorting in the City
World-Information City Bangalore
David Lyon (18.11.2005)
Technologies of Information Control Session on the second conference day of WIC Bangalore
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005 - interview David Lyon
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005, World-Information City Bangalore
David Lyon (17.11.2005)
Director of Surveillance Project and Research Chair in Sociology at Queen's University inteviewed at the World-Information City Conference in Bangalore
The Organization of Knowledge and Culture Production
World-Information City Bangalore
Felix Stalder (17.11.2005)
Implications of IP on Knowledge / Culture Production Panel on Conference Day 1
Re-imagining "The Public"
World-Information City Bangalore
Eric Kluitenberg (17.11.2005)
Beginning the long march from public media to the digital commons.
Analogue to Digital. Valorising Peripheries to Fear New Hydras
World-Information City Bangalore
Solomon Benjamin (17.11.2005)
Analogue to Digital. Valorising Peripheries to Fear New Hydras
Globalisation: Materiality and the Limits of a Will to Power (en)
World-Information City Bangalore
Lata Mani (17.11.2005)
Speaking at the World Information City Conference, Bangalore, historian and cultural critic Lata Mani challenged the widespread belief in the triumph of globalisation. Bangalore's IT locations, she argues, are "like fortresses built on the quicksand of a culturally alien territory".
Faultines. Considering Fissures in Information and Society
World-Information City Bangalore
Shuddhabrata Sengupta (17.11.2005)
This presentation traces an itinerary through faultlines in the collisions between information practices, social processes and histories of certainty, suspicion and acts of disclosure. It weaves histories of identification technologies with contemporary developments to offer speculations on how we may begin to talk about the politics of information in society in South Asia today.
World-Information.Org Bangalore
World-Information.Org Bangalore 2005
World-Information.Org (2005)
Video documentary. Conference, exhibition, workshops and related events on Global Information Landscapes and Urban Transformations
Fakes – Diskussion
Klaus Schönberger (29.10.2005)
Fakes – Vortrag
Klaus Schönberger (29.10.2005)
Billboard & Journal - Presentation for World-Information City Bangalore
World-Information.Org, World-Information City Bangalore
Marina Grizinic | Hanna Hacker | Veronika Weidinger | Felix Stalder (17.10.2005)
Präsentation der Wettbewerbsbeiträge "Billboards Bangalore 2005" und der Zeitung zum Projekt "World-Information City Bangalore (Indien) mit anschließender Diskussion
Erich Möchel (03.10.2005)
Ein pseudomedizinischer Vortrag von Erich Moechel
3SAT - Die Zukunft des Internets
Die Anonymität im Internet fällt: Novelle des Österreichischen Mediengesetzes 2005
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...is a semantically connected content repository, which contains documents on 15 years of new practices in art and media.

Based on an extensive archive going back to 1994 the site collects materials that serve as important reference documents in the field of new media, politics, and art and makes them accessible to a wider public. Instead of a hierarchically structured archive an experimental navigation interface opens up new ways to explore large information nodes. Documents are associated by a range of tag that allow to filter relevance according to topics and issue relations. ASCR, short for Advanced Semantic Content Repository, is the open source information architecture and "editing back end" of Future Non Stop.

Future Non Stop is a project of:
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