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Bratic Ljubomir
Philosoph und freier Publizist; lebt in Wien.
Braun Ilja
Ilja Braun hat als Lektor, Literaturübersetzer, Autor, Journalist und politischer Referent gearbeitet. Derzeit ist er mit Verbraucherrechten in der digitalen Welt beschäftigt. Er lebt in Köln und Berlin.
Broeckmann Andreas
Art scholar, curator, lives in Berlin. 2000-07 artistic director of transmediale
Buden Boris
Autor, zuletzt erschienen: »Der Schacht von Babel«, Kadmos 2005, Übersetzung:

»Das Versprechen eines Begriffs« (zusammen mit Stefan

Nowotny), Turia und Kant, 2008; lebt in Berlin.
Bunting Heath
Heath Bunting, born in London, UK, is a member of IRATIONAL.ORG.
Bunz Mercedes
Mercedes Bunz is co-founder and co-editor of the media, music and culture print magazine DE:BUG. She also works as theorist.
Bureau d'etudes
Bureau d'Etudes is a French cartography collective
Byfield Ted
Byfield has worked as a book editor for ten years and is currently a lecturer at the Parson's School of Design. He is an editor of icannwatch.org and of reconstructionreport.org, as well as a moderator of the nettime mailing list.
Cadigan Pat
born 1953 in Schenectady, New York; US-American science fiction writer (Cyberpunk);
Carp Stefanie
studierte Deutsche Philologie und Literaturwissenschaft an der Freien

Universität Berlin; Dramaturgin; seit 2008 Schauspieldirektorin der

Wiener Festwochen; zuletzt erschienen: »Berlin–Zürich–Hamburg: Texte

zu Theater und Gesellschaft«, Theater der Zeit 2008.
Chardronnet Ewen
Ewen Chardronnet is a French media artist and writer, organiser and researcher in information systems. He published in 2001 an anthology "Quitter la Gravité" (Editions de l'Eclat) about the Association of Autonomous Astronauts.
Charim Isolde
Philosophin und freischaffende Publizistin in Wien; langjährige Lehrtätigkeit; publizistische Tätigkeit in Österreich und Deutschland (taz-Kolumnistin), Publizistikpreisträgerin der Stadt Wien des Jahres 2006.
Cheang Shu Lea
Cheang (born in Taiwan in 1954) is a self-styled digital nomadic artist and works in social interface building, installations and filmmaking. Her Net installations were commissioned and permanently collected by the Walker Art Center, the NTT[ICC], Tokyo, and the Guggenheim Museum.

Over the past decade, she has emerged as a prominent figure in new media art.
Cisler Steve
Librarian and Telecommunications Consultant; has been involved with community networks since 1986.
Clarke Ian
Clarke is the architect and coordinator of the Freenet project. He holds a degree in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh. He has worked as a consultant for a range of companies including 3Com Corporation and Logica UK. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Uprizer, a Santa Monica based company he founded to leverage some of the ideas behind Freenet.
Critical Art Ensemble
Artist Collective, United States
Cuplinskas Darius
Cuplinskas is director of the Open Society Institute's Information Program. The program aims to promote the equitable deployment of knowledge and communications resources for civic empowerment and effective democratic governance. He is co-initiator of the Open Access Initiative, Budapest, an international effort to make research articles in all academic fields freely available on the Internet.
Darnton Robert
Robert Darnton taught at Princeton from 1968 until 2007, when he became Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the University Library at

Harvard. He has written and edited two dozen books, including The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie (1979, an early attempt to develop the history of books as a field of study), and The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Prerevolutionary France (1995, a study of the underground book trade), and The Devil in the Holy Water, or The Art of Slander in France, 1650-1800 (2009).
Davies Simon
Simon Davies is an expert in privacy security and data protection. He has worked in more than 20 countries on issues ranging from identity cards to military surveillance. He directs Privacy International, a non government organization based in Washington, D.C., that has members in more than 40 countries. Davies is also the founder of the Big Brother Award, a price granted to oganizations and individuals for comitting particularly flagrant violations of the right to privacy. He is moreover a visiting fellow in the Computer Security Research Center of the London School of Economics and a visiting fellow of law in the University of Essex. Davies has also been a consultant adviser to numerous government, professional and corporate bodies, including the British Medical Association, the United Kingdom Department of Social Security, the Ontario Privacy and Information Commissioner and Telecom Australia.
Davis Erik
writer, culture critic and independent scholar, San Francisco, United States
Davis Mike
Mike Davis, born 1946, is an urban sociologist, historian and political activist based in California. He is the author of influential books such as "City of Quartz" (1992), "Ecology of Fear" (1999) or "Planet of Slums" (2006).
de Landa Manuel
writer, artist and philosopher, New York City, Unites States
de Sousa Webber Francisco
Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, Vienna, Austria
Dean Jodi
Politikwissenschafterin, lehrt politische Theorie an den Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, USA; Mitglied der "American Political Science Association", der "Associatione for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities" sowie der "Law and Society Association"
Deere Carolyn
Carolyn Deere is an independent consultant and a doctoral candidate at Oxford University. She was formerly the Assistant Director of the Rockefeller Foundation's Global Inclusion program with responsibility for grantmaking on intellectual property, trade and development.
Dement Linda
exhibiting artist since the 80's, working in photography, writing, film and digital arts; currently living in Sydney, Australia
Derieg Aileen
Aileen Derieg is a translator based in Linz, Austria, whose work revolves mainly around contemporary art and media and theoretical reflections on society and technology. She is actively involved in the local independent art and culture scene in Linz, has been a member of the Genderchangers for many years and co-organized the Eclectic Tech Carnival 2007 in Linz.
Dery Mark
born December 24, 1959; is the Author of Escape Velocity (Grove Press, 1996) and Culture Jamming and editor of Flame Wars. The Discourse of Cyberculture (Duke University Press, 1995).

His writings on fringe culture, technology, mass media, and the arts have appeared in The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Wired, 21.C, Mondo 2000, Elle, Interview, New York, The Washington Post, Lingua Franca, The Village Voice, Spin, Salon.com, "Suck.com", Cabinet.
Deseriis Marco
Deseriis is a free lance journalist, internet critic and media activist. He co-wrote the book "Net.art.l'arte della connessione". His articles amongest others featured on Repubblica.it. Deseriis also manages thething.it.
Diaz Lily
Lily Díaz was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She grew up in Caracas, Venezuela and in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She has a Bachelor of Arts with honors in anthropology from Brandeis University (1981). She has taught at the Pratt Institute of Design in Manhattan, the Universidad de Guadalajara in México, and has lectured in Finland, Norway, Puerto Rico, Spain and the United States. Currently she is pursuing post-doctoral studies at the Media Lab of the University of Art and Design in Helsinki, Finland.
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...is a semantically connected content repository, which contains documents on 15 years of new practices in art and media.

Based on an extensive archive going back to 1994 the site collects materials that serve as important reference documents in the field of new media, politics, and art and makes them accessible to a wider public. Instead of a hierarchically structured archive an experimental navigation interface opens up new ways to explore large information nodes. Documents are associated by a range of tag that allow to filter relevance according to topics and issue relations. ASCR, short for Advanced Semantic Content Repository, is the open source information architecture and "editing back end" of Future Non Stop.

Future Non Stop is a project of:
Institute for New Culture Technologies/ t0.
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