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Girard Bruce
Girard has extensive experience in journalism, research and international development. He has published many articles and book chapters on communication, communication policy and alternative media; edited "A Passion for Radio: Radio waves and community" (Black Rose Books, 1992); and is co-author the book "Global Media Governance: A Beginners Guide" (Rowman and Littlefield, 2001; with Sean O Siochru and Amy Mahan). He has designed and led workshops on Internet, new media, and radio broadcasting, in more than 25 countries. Girard was organiser and co-chair of two international conferences on broadcasting and the Internet in developing countries: in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1999) and in Tampa, Florida (2000).
Goriunova Olga
Associate Professor at Warwick University. She is a co-editor of "Computational Culture, A Journal of Software Studies" (http://computationalculture.net), editor of "Fun and Software: Exploring Pain, Pleasure and Paradox in Computing" (Bloomsbury, 2014), and author of “Art Platforms and Cultural Production on the Internet” (Routledge, 2012), among other things. She has also been involved in organizing a number of exhibitions and projects related to software art and digital culture more broadly.
Graham Stephen
Stephen Graham is Professor of Human Geography at Durham University. He has a background in urbanism, planning and the sociology of technology. His research addresses the complex intersections between urban places, mobilities, technology, war, militarization, surveillance and geopolitics.
Grassmuck Volker
Volker Grassmuck is researcher at the Humbold University Berlin, and initiator of the Wizards of OS conferences on the social dynamics of open source systems.
Gray Chris Hables
Chris Hables Gray is an Associate Professor of the Cultural Studies of Science and Technology and of Computer Science at the University of Great Falls in Great Falls, Montana.
Greenfield Adam
Adam Greenfield is founder and managing director of design practice Urbanscale, Senior Urban Fellow at LSE Cities in London, and author most recently of “Against the smart city”
Grizinic Marina
Marina Grzinic is doctor of philosophy and works as researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at the ZRC SAZU in Ljubljana. She is a freelance media theorist and curator, and has been involved in video art since 1982.
Grootveld Menno
Grootveld is co-founder of the former pirate TV channel Rabotnik TV as well as co-founder of the festival for tactical media Next 5 minutes. For a while he also participated in the art initiative Lost & Found, where he curated the World Wide Media Art festival 2000 in Amsterdam. Grootveld is also responsible for the conception and the realisation of Laboratory Italy / New Models of Inspiration, a critical survey of new models of organized resistance.
Grueter Thomas
Thomas Grüter is a physician, scientist and non-fiction author. He has been working as a software entrepreneur for more than twenty years and has critically observed the development of the Internet since its beginning. He lives and works in Münster, Germany.
Hacker Hanna
Hanna Hacker is born in Vienna (Austria). She is a sociologist and historian with emphasis on Cultural and Postcolonial Studies in a feminist and queer studies perspective, and actively involved in politics of women’s movements.
Hager Nicky
Nicky Hager, born 1958, is an author and investigative journalist born in Levin, New Zealand,now living in Wellington.
Hamm Marion
Marion Hamm ist derzeit Postdoc am Institut für Volkskunde und Kulturanthropologie der Uni Graz, wo sie das Doktoratsprogramm Visuelle Kulturen koordiniert. Nach dem Studium der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft, Geschichte und Cultural Studies an den Universitäten Tübingen und Birmingham promovierte sie im Fach Soziologie an der Universität Luzern im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts zu Protest und Medien. Als Ethnographin forscht und schreibt sie an den Schnittstellen von Medienaktivismus und Wissenschaft zu sozialen Bewegungen, Prekarisierung, Medien und Erinnerung.
Hammond Philip
Hammond is Senior Lecturer in Media at the South Bank University, London. His expertise covers war reporting, propaganda, Post-Soviet media, media and ethnicity, and other media-related fields. Among other things he has extensively written on media coverage of the Kosovo war for the Independent, The Times and Broadcast.
Harney Stefano
Professor of Strategic Management Education at Singapore Management University. He is the author of State Work: "Public Administration and Mass Intellectuality" (2002) and "The Ends of Management", and "The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study" with Fred Moten
Hartmann Bjoern
Born in 1978 in Germany. In 1997 Hartmann moved to Philadelphia, US, where he graduated from U Penn with degrees in Communication, Digital Media Design and Computer Science and DJed on the East Coast on a regular basis. He worked with Contexterrior Media that controlled various labels and conceived the net label textone.org. Currently Hartmann lives in Paris and rather focuses on computer science research and the promotion of digital content publishing than vinyl production.
Harvey Inman
Inman Harvey is a Senior Lector in Evolutionary Robotics at the CCNR, University of Sussex.
Harwood Graham
Graham Harwood is well known for his engagement with controversial projects, sensitively bringing conflicting views together through his work with secure hospitals, asylum seekers, local authorities, museums or with the National Health Service. His work over 25 years with his partner Matsuko Yokokoji has entangled YoHa in the ethics of media systems, representation, anonymity and highly sensitive data. His current research interests explore how art as a method of enquiry can be utilised to reveal logics as a fluid strategy of power. Graham is the convenor of the MA Interactive Media at the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London, and a co-editor of Computational Culture.
Hassine Tsila
Metahaven, Amsterdam and Brussels; media artist and web-programmer
Heineke Corinna
Corinna Heineke is currently working on her PhD on traditional knowledge and intellectual property rights. In the past she worked on IPRs in Central America where she edited the book 'La Vida en Venta: Transgénicos, Patentes y Biodiversidad' (Ediciones Heinrich Böll, San Salvador, 2002).
Henningsen Lena
Lena Henningsen works as junior professor at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Freiburg University. She received her education in Chinese Studies, Political Science and Musicology at Humboldt-University (Berlin), Nanjing Normal University (PR China) and Heidelberg. Her PhD thesis is devoted to an analysis of issues of plagiarism (and the fight against it) in the current literary field (see: Copyright Matters: Imitation, Creativity and Authenticity in Contemporary Chinese Literature, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2010, and ”Reich der Fälscher – oder Land der Kreativen? Der chinesische Buchmarkt und (globale) Phänomene der Kreativität”, in: Orientierungen 1/2009, 34-58).
Herman Edward S.
Edward S. Herman, born 1925, is media analyst and economist. He is Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School (Pennsylvania, US) and teaches at Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.
Hildebrandt Mireille
Chair of Smart Environments, Data Protection and the Rule of Law at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS) at Radboud University Nijmegen. She is Research Professor at the research group for Law Science Technology and Society (LSTS) at Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Her research interests concern the relationship between the emerging socio-technical infrastructure and the autonomy of the human subject.
Hofmueller Reni
media artist and activist in Graz has realized various concerts, performances, and videos and is also co-initiator of various arts and media organizations including Radio Helsinki.
Holmes Brian
Kunst- und Kulturkritiker in Paris; zahlreiche

Veröffentlichungen in springerin, Brumaria and Multitudes, Publikationen

u.a. "Hieroglyphs of the Future" (Zagreb: Arkzin/WHW, 2002),

Textarchiv unter: www.u-tangente.org.
Hui Yuk
researcher of the Metadata Project in the Centre of Cultural Studies and Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London.
Hummer Andrea
Andrea Hummer ist Soziologin, Mitgründerin und Mitarbeiterin des eipcp - European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies. Sie ist weiters im Bereich Konzeption und Organisation von Projekten v.a. im Kulturbereich, als Moderatorin und PR-Beraterin tätig. Ehrenamtlich engagiert sie sich zudem in Organisation wie "maiz - Autonomes Integrationszentrum von und für Migrantinnen", Radio FRO, IG Kultur Österreich und "kult-ex".
Hyde Adam
Hyde is a musician, developer and format artist working at the convergence of broadcasting and Internet technologies. He is one of the co-founders of r a d i o q u a l i a, and the founder of b.net radio network and Static Television. From 1999 to 2003 Hyde worked at the Internet service provider XS4ALL in Amsterdam. There he co-founded HelpB92 and Open Channels for Kosovo and initiated Net Congestion: the International Festival of Streaming Media. He has taught new media at the University of Amsterdam, and other institutes, and has recently been working with the Walker Art Center in the USA.
Höller Christian
Redakteur und Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift springerin – Hefte für Gegenwartskunst;

2009 erscheint sein Interviewband Time Action Vision: Conversations

in Cultural Studies, Theory, and Activism (JRP Ringier, Zürich).
Illich Fran
Fran Ilich, born in Tijuana, is a cyberpunk writer and media artist and activist.
Institute for Long-distance Flights
is an Austrian- based institute, for long-distance Flights.
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...is a semantically connected content repository, which contains documents on 15 years of new practices in art and media.

Based on an extensive archive going back to 1994 the site collects materials that serve as important reference documents in the field of new media, politics, and art and makes them accessible to a wider public. Instead of a hierarchically structured archive an experimental navigation interface opens up new ways to explore large information nodes. Documents are associated by a range of tag that allow to filter relevance according to topics and issue relations. ASCR, short for Advanced Semantic Content Repository, is the open source information architecture and "editing back end" of Future Non Stop.

Future Non Stop is a project of:
Institute for New Culture Technologies/ t0.
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