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Medosch Armin
Armin Medosch (1962 geboren in Graz) ist ein österreichischer Medienkünstler und freier Journalist; lebt und arbeitet in London und Wien. Gründungsmitglied des Online- Magazins Telepolis; bis 2002 Redaktionsmitglied.
Mehta Arun
Arun Mehta is a New Delhi based activist and educator. Currently he is Director in the film and TV company Kaleidoscope Plc., Chief Technical Officer in Net Radiophony India Plc. and President of the Society for Telecommunications Empowerment.
Metahaven is a studio for research and design based in Amsterdam and Brussels, consisting of Gon Zifroni, Daniel van der Velden and Vinca Kruk. The collective investigates graphic design, information networks, branding and architecture from their overlapping discourses. Metahaven’s work is exhibited as part of the traveling exhibition Forms of Inquiry: the Architecture of Critical Graphic Design at the Architectural Association, London, and in On Purpose: Design Concepts at Arnolfini, Bristol. In the context of the ISEA2008, Metahaven developed Exodvs, 215

an internet search prototype visualizing content which is conventionally overridden by popularity-based ranking algorithms.
Mießgang Thomas
Kurator an der Kunsthalle Wien, Kulturjournalist u.a. für profil, Die Zeit

und ORF-Radio; zahlreiche Publikationen zur Musik und bildenden Kunst.
Milat Petar
Petar Milat is co-director of the theory department 'past.forward' of the net.culture center "mama" in Zagreb, and a non-academic scholar and translator.

He is the editor of several philosophical, social and media theory book-series and is especially interested in the interrelations between contemporary social theory and aesthetics, with an accent on French and Italian philosophical contexts.

Milat lives in the Yugoslav triangle Belgrade-Korcula-Zagreb.
Moeller Eric
Eric Möller works in media informatics and as a journalist. He has published in the taz newspaper, as well as the c't and Telepolis magazines. Möller runs the website Infoanarchy.Org, developing tools to protect the freedom of speech. He is editor of the German net magazine Der Humanist (http://www.humanist.de). His interests include P2P, decentralized media, alternative forms of online-collaboration, ratings, webs of trust, file sharing and copyright.

Since 2008 he is Deputy Director for the Wikimedia Foundation, currently living in San Francisco.
Moglen Eben
Columbia University, New York City, United States
Mokre Monika
Politikwissenschaftlerin, stellvertretende Direktorin des EIF, Institut für

europäische Integrationsforschung, Österreichische Akademie der

Wissenschaften und Vorstandsmitglied von FOKUS, der

Forschungsgesellschaft für kulturökonomische und kulturpolitische

Monsó Susana
Susana Monsó holds a post-doctoral position at the Messerli Research Instituteof the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, where her research focuses on the moral and cognitive capacities of nonhuman animals and the ethical implications that follow from them. She studied Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid,completed a Master of Arts degree in Global Ethics and Human Values at King’s College London, specializing in animal ethics, and wrote her PhD thesis on the relation between mindreading abilities and moral capacities in nonhuman animals.
Moravec Hans
Hans Moravec, born 1948 in Vienna, is an adjunct faculty member in the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University.

He has published many papers in robotics, computer graphics, multiprocessors, space travel and other speculative areas.
Mouffe Chantal
University of Westminster, London, England
Mourik Broekmann, van Pauline
Van Mourik Broekman is co-publisher and editor of the London based technoculture magazine Mute, which she co-founded with Simon Worthington as 'the Art and Technology Newspaper' in late 1994. As well as editing Mute, she writes regularly on art, media and technology for journals and books.
Mueller Karl H.
Director of the Institute for Social Science Documentation and Methodology (WISDOM) in Vienna
Mueller-Maguhn Andy
Andy Müller-Maguhn (born 1971) is a member of the German hacker association the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). In an election in autumn 2000, he was voted in as an at-large director of ICANN.
Musiani Francesca
Researcher at the Institute for Communication Sciences (ISCC, CNRS/Paris-Sorbonne/UPMC) and an associate researcher at the Centre for the Sociology of Innovation of MINES ParisTech-PSL, France. Francesca’s research work focuses on Internet governance, in an interdisciplinary perspective blending information and communication sciences with Science and Technology Studies (STS). A former Yahoo! Fellow in Residence at Georgetown University, the recipient of the 2013 Informatique et Libertés Award of the French Privacy and Data Protection Commission, and a member of the French Parliamentary Commission on Law and Liberties in the Digital Age.
Möchel Erich
Erich Möchel, geboren 1957 in Linz, ist Redakteur der Futurezone, der IT-News Website des Österreichischen Rundfunks.

Er ist u.a. Mitglied im Board of Advisors von Privacy International und ist Mitbegründer der ersten österreichischen Big Brother Awards 1999 sowie der Quintessenz
Nas Sjoera
Nas works with Bits of Freedom, a not-for-profit privacy and civil rights organisation in the Netherlands. She is the editor of EDRI-gram, a bi-weekly European newsletter about civil rights in the information society. From 1998 to 2002 she was the press spokesperson and public affairs officer of the internet provider XS4ALL. Responsible for its sponsor-policy, she was one of the organisers of HelpB92 in 1999.
Nas Sjoera
digital civil rights advocacy, Amsterdam
Neundlinger Klaus
Philosoph und Übersetzer, lebt in Wien.
Nonja is an orang-utan ape who is famous for her paintings; living in Schönbrunner Tiergarten, Vienna.
Noronha Frederick
Frederick Noronha is a Goa (India)-based freelance writer, and has been intensively covering FLOSS in India and parts of Asia.
Nowotny Stefan
is a philosopher who lives in Vienna: board member of the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, presently working in the framework of the two transnational projects transform and translate; 2004/05 lecturer at the University of Lüneburg (Kulturwissenschaften); 2001–2003 Visiting Fellow at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Centre de philosophie du droit). He has published various essays on philosophical and political topics, co-edited several anthologies, and translated a number of texts from both French and English into German, among which G. Ch. Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak?” (together with A. Joskowicz).
O'Brien Patric
Patric O'Brien is member of the East London AAA (Association of Autonomous Astronauts).
Oki Keisuke
Born in 1952, Tokyo


Research associate, STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University
Oudenampsen Merijn
studierte Soziologie und Politische Wissenschaften; zahlreiche Publikationen

über die Politik der städtischen Entwicklung in Amsterdam; derzeit

Mitarbeiter eines Forschungsprojekts über Populismus an der Jan van

Eyck Akademie in Maastricht.
Pantelić Zoran
New Media Center_kuda.org, Novi Sad, Serbia
Pasquinelli Matteo
writer, curator and researcher at Queen Mary University of London. He wrote the book Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons (2008) and edited the collections Media Activism (2002) and C’Lick Me: A Netporn Studies Reader (2007). He writes frequently on French philosophy, media culture and Italian post-operaismo. Since 2000 he has been editor of the mailing list Rekombinant.
Paunovic Gordan
Gordan Paunovic is a Founding member of radio b92 and FreeB92 head of internet events.
Pelinka Anton
Politikwissenschafter; Institut für Konfliktforschung Wien; seit September 2006 Professor für Politikwissenschaft und Nationalismusstudien an der englischsprachigen Central European University in Budapest. Davor seit 1975 Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Innsbruck, davon mehrere Jahre auch als Dekan (zuletzt 2004 bis 2006 Dekan der Fakultät für Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie).
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...is a semantically connected content repository, which contains documents on 15 years of new practices in art and media.

Based on an extensive archive going back to 1994 the site collects materials that serve as important reference documents in the field of new media, politics, and art and makes them accessible to a wider public. Instead of a hierarchically structured archive an experimental navigation interface opens up new ways to explore large information nodes. Documents are associated by a range of tag that allow to filter relevance according to topics and issue relations. ASCR, short for Advanced Semantic Content Repository, is the open source information architecture and "editing back end" of Future Non Stop.

Future Non Stop is a project of:
Institute for New Culture Technologies/ t0.
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