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Ueno Toshiya
Toshiya Ueno, critic, media activist, associate professor of Chubu UNV; lives and works in Japan and Amsterdam
Urry John
John Urry is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University and Founding Academician at the UK Academy of Social Sciences. He is currently Director of the Centre for Mobilities Research.
van Couvering Elisabeth
PhD in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics and Political Science,. A UK internet pioneer, prior to beginning her academic studies Dr Van Couvering worked at the opening of the UK's first cybercafe, Cyberia, in 1994;
van Hoboken Joris
Joris van Hoboken is a PhD researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam. His research focuses on search engine freedom, in other words on the implications of the fundamental right to freedom of expression for the governance of Web search engines. He is a former codirector for Bits of Freedom, a Dutch digital civil rights organization and holds graduate degrees in law and theoretical mathematics.
van Mourik Broekman Pauline
Van Mourik Broekman is co-publisher and editor of the London based techno culture magazine Mute, which she co-founded with Simon Worthington as "the Art and Technology Newspaper" in late 1994. As well as editing Mute, she writes regularly on art, media and technology for journals and books
von Bülow Andreas
Andreas von Bülow, former German Minister for Research and Technology and former German Secretary of Defence, currently a lawyer in Bonn.
von Gehlen Dirk
Dirk von Gehlen works as an editor at Süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich/Germany. His first book “Mashup – Praise of copying” was published (in german) in the year 2011. “A new version is avialable” continues the analysis of the digital copy and its outcome.
Wahl Andreas
Bau- und Kulturarbeiter sowie Vorstandsmitglied des Kulturvereins KIPFAL

in einem oberösterreichischen Kaff namens Niederneukirchen.
Waibel Tom
Text-, Film- und Kommunikationsarbeiter mit Schwerpunkt auf politische

Theorie, postkoloniale Kritik, Migration und Globalisierung; Aufbau von

Projekten zur kommunalen Kommunikation in Mesoamerika, Mitarbeit

am Postgraduate-Programm »Oral History« an der UNAM, Mexiko; lebt

derzeit in Wien als Philosoph, Übersetzer und Lehrbeauftragter an der

Universität Wien und der Wiener Kunstschule.
Wailand Markus
studierte Kunst, war Kulturredakteur der Wochenzeitung Falter, moderierte

die ORF-Sendung »Kunststücke«, co-initiierte die Schwarz-Blau-

Protestbewegung gettoattack und fand in New York zum Film; betreibt in

Wien das Dokumentarfilmkollektiv pooldoks; aktuelle TV-Dokumentation

»Here to Stay. Rassismus in Wien«; www.heretostay.at.
Wark McKenzie
writer and scholar working on media theory, critical theory, and new media. Associate Professor at the New School, New York, Chair of Culture and Media.
Warwick Kevin
Kevin Warwick is professor of cybernetics at the University of Reading, Berkshire, UK.
Wassermair Martin
Historiker und Politikwissenschafter; Vorstandsmitglied des Kulturrat

Österreich, seit 2007 Mitarbeit am Aufbau des World Information Institute;

zahlreiche Tätigkeiten, Publikationen und Vorträge in den Bereichen

Kultur- und Medienpolitik, Geschichts- und Identitätspolitik, Regionale

Kulturentwicklung, Neue Medien und Informationsgesellschaft, zuletzt

erschienen: Konrad Becker/Martin Wassermair (Hrsg.),"Phantom Kulturstadt - Texte zur Zukunft der Kulturpolitik 2", Löcker 2009.
Weber Beat
Redakteur von MALMOE; www.malmoe.org.
Wegan Katharina
Historian, Vienna, Austria
Weidinger Veronika
Veronika Weidinger wurde 1977 in Linz geboren. Bis 2004 Studium der Theaterwissenschaft, Philosophie, Publizistik und Genderforschung an der Universität Wien. Schon während des Studiums war Veronika Weidinger journalistisch tätig. Seit 1999 als Redakteurin bei Radio FM4, seit 2005 auch als Chefin vom Dienst und Verantwortliche für die redaktionelle Planung und Umsetzung von On-Air-Schwerpunkten.
Weinkove Michael
UK inventor of Talkaoke, is a raccounteur, artist and chat show host.
Weiss Stefanie
Politikwissenschafterin; lebt in Wien und Reggio Emilia.
Weiss Werner
Dr. Werner Weiss ist Dozent am Institut für Astronomie, Universität Wien
Weizman Eyal
Eyal Weizman is an Architect based in London. He is the director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Since 2008 he has been a member of the human right group B'Tselem managing board.
Wellmon Chad
Assistant Professor of German at the University of Virginia
Wells Tatiana
Tatiana Wells is one of the organisers of the Sao Paolo Tactical Media Lab and also worked some time for a computer clubhouse at an NGO in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Wilding Faith
artist, writer and educator, Chicago, United States
Wilson (aka Hakim Bey) Peter Lamborn
writer, essayist and philosopher, New York City, United States
Wilson Peter Lamborn
born 1945, political writer, essayist and poet, New York City, United States
Woltran Stefan
Stefan Woltran is professor for Formal Foundations of Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Information Systems Database and Artificial Intelligence Group of the Technical University Vienna. With a PhD in Computer Science his research concentrates on problems in the areas of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and has published numerous articles on complexity analysis in AI, Logic Programming, and the Semantic Web.
Work Group on "Cultures of electronic Networks"
Cultural Competence, International Conference, Linz, Austria
World-Information.org was set up as a trans-national cultural intelligence provider, a collaborative effort of artists, scientists and technicians. It is a practical example for a technical and contextual environment for cultural production and an independent platform of critical media intelligence. Launched under the patronage of the UNESCO at European cultural capital Brussels 2000, World-Information.Org was set up by the Institute for New Culture Technologies Vienna to meet the needs and expectations of citizens for high quality and accessible services of cultural information. With its mission statement "knowledge of future culture" World-Information.Org explored new technologies and future communication environments along with their implications.
Woznicki Christian
Woznicki wurde 1972 in Glatz, Schlesien, geboren und lebt heute in Berlin. Der Kulturkritiker arbeitete in den 1990ern als Kolumnist der Japan Times und als Korrespondent der Spex in Tokio. In den letzten Jahren hat er einige Sammelbände (mit-)herausgegeben und ist Chefredakteur der Berliner Gazette
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...is a semantically connected content repository, which contains documents on 15 years of new practices in art and media.

Based on an extensive archive going back to 1994 the site collects materials that serve as important reference documents in the field of new media, politics, and art and makes them accessible to a wider public. Instead of a hierarchically structured archive an experimental navigation interface opens up new ways to explore large information nodes. Documents are associated by a range of tag that allow to filter relevance according to topics and issue relations. ASCR, short for Advanced Semantic Content Repository, is the open source information architecture and "editing back end" of Future Non Stop.

Future Non Stop is a project of:
Institute for New Culture Technologies/ t0.
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