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Media Culture between Creative Industries and White Cube

Steve Kurtz from Critical Art Ensemble on videoconference with Ushi Reiter (servus.at) and Konrad Becker: As North America and much of Europe bring younger people ever closer to nothing (as in “nothing to lose”), a split is occurring. On the one hand, in which the uneasy marriage of art and politics gets consumed by creative industries and white cubes (or just cubicles) are being realized in parts of the population. On the other hand, another demographic is also emerging that is rapidly approaching nothing through unemployment, debt, and alienation. They are being hardened through this process, and thus becoming all the more willing, if not forced, to confront neoliberalism. When positive expectations collide with a negative reality, radicality can assert itself once more.

Media culture has long understood itself as a hybrid practice, trans-disciplinary and located between defined genres. In recent years many forms of media culture have been forced into the Creative Industries paradigm. Others have ventured into the art world and come to terms with the White Cube and its conventions. This development seems to restrict the degrees of freedom of cultural interaction and its permeability and limits the space of the possible. What forces are at work here, and what logic is driving this effects? And are there other ways?

Content type
Projects Information as Reality
World-Information Institute
Date September 2014
Location Linz


capitalist appropriation of culture finance activism art practice art economy cultural activism cultural critique Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) education system communication technologies communication systems USA Europe Critical Art Ensemble CAE servus.at Steve Kurtz
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