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The Future of File Sharing: Darknet Reloaded?
Free Bitflows
Public Netbase (03.06.2004)
Session 2: Panel with Sjoera Nas, Janko Roettgers, Ian Clarke Moderator: Felix Stalder
The famous Microsoft study concludes that the powers that be don't stand a chance to the reality of the so called "Darknet". A somewhat optimistic note from an unexpected side. At the same time, the legal and technical assault on file sharing and anonymity is in full swing. What is the future of free information exchanges? More anonymity? Or, on the contrary, will uncontrolled p2p disappear into social networks?
Digital Anonymity and the Law
Free Bitflows
Sjoera Nas (03.06.2004)
In the Sesion "The Future of File Sharing: Darknet Reloaded?" Sjoera Nas speaks about the possibilities for digital anonimity under the European privacy-directives, and gives some examples of projects in Europe to promote the actual use of anonimity and pseudonimity. Addressing the future of file-sharing, she presents an overview of the current and scheduled legal actions against European file-sharers.
The Freenet Project
Free Bitflows
Ian Clarke (03.06.2004)
The Freenet Project is creating software designed to ensure freedom of communication on the Internet. This is achieved through the creation of a completely decentralized emergent architecture which allows the anonymous publication and consumption of information through a peer-to-peer architecture. The Freenet software has been downloaded by over two million users worldwide, and is already in use in countries such as China to circumvent government censorship.
A Darknet Full of Friends
Free Bitflows
Janko Roettgers (03.06.2004)
The Future of File Sharing: Darknet Reloaded? Session 2
Darknets are increasingly seen as the future of P2P file sharing. Often people think of these networks as closed, enrcypted spaces with tight security measures and hierachic social architectures. At the same time there is another model emerging with websites like Friendster.com and Orkut.com: Networks that utilize the power of social links and challenge their users to make risk-based decisions. This could not only lock out the bad guys (tm), but also help to develop powerful collaborative filters.
Free Bitflows Interview Slavo Krekovic
Free Bitflows
Slavo Krekovic (03.06.2004)
Free Bitflows was part of exStream, a two-year collaborative project in which european media art organisations working together to create a common platform for the creation and distribution of new media art projects.
Organizational Intelligence for Independent Producers
Free Bitflows
Public Netbase (03.06.2004)
First Panel Session with Pit Schultz, Reni Hofmueller, Marco Deseriis, Slavo Krekovic; Moderation: Menno Grootveld
The art of causing trouble: resistance to media monopolies
Free Bitflows
Marco Deseriis (03.06.2004)
It is not only a protocol or a technical standard to make the difference between a communication mode and another (broadcast vs Webcast, UHF versus TCP/IP). Power structures and historically rooted social formations shape independent networks and their relationship to mainstream media. Italian Telestreet or Indymedia Italy wouldn’t exist in their actual form without the Italian movements of the Seventies but also without Silvio Berlusconi’s media monopoly. Nevertheless, the “dictatorship of the audience”, or the “dictatorship of the majority”, has proved to a certain extent an autonomous machinery, able to affect and drive the political body (e.g. the Zapatero effect). The more the media machine models itself on the consumer-voter “desire” to participate (from reality shows to broadcasted live public events) the more media viruses and parasites have the opportunity to redirect these desires and audiences. If we want to be able to tell other stories that might interfere with the existing narratives, we need to blend the technical wisdom and the ability to open imaginary breaches that provoke a chain of reaction.
Radio Syndication over the Net
Free Bitflows
Pit Schultz (03.06.2004)
Conference Session on Organizational Intelligence for Independent Producers
Radio Syndication over the Net
Free Bitflows
Reni Hofmueller (03.06.2004)
Organizational Intelligence for Independent Producers
Free Bitflows
Free Bitflows
Public Netbase (02.06.2004)
Cultures of Access and Politics of Dissemination. Documentation of conference, exhibition and workshops.
S-77CCR System-77 Civil Counter-Reconnaissance
S-77CCR System
Public Netbase (May 2004)
Eyes in the Sky / Democracy in the Streets: A tactical urban counter-surveillance systems for ground controlled unmanned aerial vehicles and airborne drones to monitor public space.
Public Netbase 1994-2004 (short version) (en)
Public Netbase
Public Netbase (2004)
Upload Future Culture
Public Netbase 1994-2004 (long version with french subtitles) (en)
Public Netbase
Public Netbase (2004)
Upload Future Culture
Upload Future Culture (en)
Public Netbase
Public Netbase (2004)
Public Netbase 1994-2004 (long version)
Nike Ground Discussion
Friedrich von Borries | Sigrid Gareis | Thomas Rottenberg | Konrad Becker | Patricia Köstring (26.11.2003)
Nike Ground Discussion
Public Netbase (October 2003)
Nikeground - Rethinking Space. The hardly believable Nikeplatz Trick. Art Intervention in Urban Space.
Feature on sex.net in ORF "25 - Das Magazin"
Public Netbase, sex net. Sex, Lies & the Internet
Feature on sex.net, a project by Public Netbase. Includes interview with Konrad Becker.
Public Netbase (27.06.2003)
Protest platform against Berlusconi type media policies. Documentation
Open Cultures - Panel 2nd day
Open Cultures
Sascha Kösch | Shu Lea Cheang | Shuddhabrata Sengupta | Eric Moeller | Andy Mueller-Maguhn | Armin Medosch | Julian Priest | Adam Hyde | Felix Stalder (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Panel 2nd day
Networks of Intention and Accidental Generosities - A Circuit Diagram + Panel
Open Cultures
Shuddhabrata Sengupta (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 6
Art and Privacy
Open Cultures
Shu Lea Cheang (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 6
Sampling, mixing, ripping: music as free flow
Open Cultures
Sascha Kösch (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 6
Loud and Clear: How Internet Media Can Work
Open Cultures
Eric Moeller (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 5
Free Distro: Distributing independent films and other large media files
Open Cultures
Alan Toner (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 5
Alternative Remuneration Systems
Open Cultures
Peter Eckersley (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 4
Paying for works, Access to Works, Medicines, Software and Music
Open Cultures
James Love (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 4
Governance Gone Wrong: Lessons from the ICANN Debacle
Open Cultures
Andy Mueller-Maguhn (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 4
Open Cultures - Round Table
Open Cultures
Konrad Becker | Felix Stalder | Eric Moeller (06.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Round Table
Open Cultures - Panel 1st day
Open Cultures
Darius Cuplinskas | Ted Byfield | Armin Medosch | Julian Priest (05.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Panel 1st day
Wireless: From Network to Community
Open Cultures
Julian Priest (05.06.2003)
Open Cultures, Session 3
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