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Die Macht der Klassifizierung. Abgründe des Wissens an den Klippen der Ordnung (de)
Deep Search. Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google
Konrad Becker (2009)
Wie stehen Dinge in Zusammenhang? Was ist das Wesentliche an einem Gegenstand in Bezug auf einen anderen? Wie stehen subjektive Bedeutung und generalisierte oder objektivierte Sinnzuschreibung in Wechselbeziehung zueinander? Was bedeutet dies für unsere Selbstwahrnehmung – und wie wir zu Anderen stehen? Was ist Bedeutung und wie entsteht sie?
Die Demontage der Gatekeeper. Relationale Perspektiven zur Macht der Suchmaschinen (de)
Deep Search. Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google
Theo Roehle (2009)
Eine Kombination von solchen technischen und diskursiven Maßnahmen könnte einen Ausgangspunkt zur Stärkung der Verhandlungsposition von Nutzer gegenüber den Suchmaschinen und den Werbeunternehmen bilden. Bei entsprechender Qualität könnten diese Maßnahmen auch in der Lage sein, Wege aus den kontrollierten Räumen der Nutzersegmentierung und des Targeting zu weisen.
Vom Vertrauen zur Spurenauswertung. Eine neue Sicht der Technikfolgenabschätzung (de)
Deep Search. Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google
Claire Lobet-Maris (2009)
Die erste Generation der TA befand sich auf der Makro-Ebene und war von Technik-Determinismus und institutionellen Gegebenheiten geprägt. Die zweite Generation bewegte sich auf der Mikro-Ebene und war durch einen auf das konstruktivistische Rahmenmodell zurückzuführenden Relativismus geprägt. Was beiden Generationen fehlt, ist ein „moralischer oder ethischer Rahmen“, der auf Prinzipien beruht, welche die Auseinandersetzung mit dem betreffenden Artefakt leiten.
Search before grep. A Progress from Closed to Open? (en)
Deep Search. The Politics of Search beyond Google
Paul Duguid (2009)
As we look at modern search tools, it is easy to believe that they are contributing to a historical march away from closed and restrictive institutions to democratic openness and that amassing more information, regardless of source, and running grep-like searches across it is inherently a good thing. From its beginnings in open source software, this new idea of openness has spread to contemporary aspects of politics, of markets, and of science, as well of cultural endeavor
Phantoms of the City (en)
Phantom Kulturstadt
Konrad Becker (2009)
On Myths, Utopia and Urban Phantoms of Liberty
How to follow global digital Cultures. Cultural Analytics of Beginners (en)
Lev Manovich (2009)
Only fifteen years ago we typically interacted with relatively small bodies of information that were tightly organized in directories, lists and a priori assigned categories. Today we interact with a gigantic, global, not well organized, constantly expanding and changing information cloud in a very different way: we Google it.
Peripheral Forces.On the Relevance of Marginality (en)
Metahaven (2009)
This article is about ranking. Hidden in the search engine, ranking is the elusive, complicated machinery of magic which structures our encounters with information on the Web. Despite the intricate system of ranking, most engines make search look deceptively simple: enter a term into the empty text field where the cursor is blinking, click “search”, and a list of results unfolds.
The Power of Classification. Culture, Context, Command, Control, Communications, Computing (en)
Konrad Becker (2009)
How do things relate to each other? What is essential to one thing in relation to another? How do subjective meaning and generalized or objectified attributions of sense interrelate? What does it mean for our sense of self and how we relate to each other? What is meaning, how does it develop? These questions have puzzled humankind for ages. In an era of digital information, of humanmachine interfaces and robotic data spiders, surfing in the vast space of electronic data all on their own, they become vastly relevant.
Culture and Deviation. Artistic Dissidence in Austria (en)
Martin Wassermair (2009)
If such emancipating professionals of art, media and culture really seek to use their impetus to find new meaning in social evolution, then a recuperation of that which deviates from convention is called for. The system still recoils from any public expression. The big challenges are no longer avoidable and require new answers and solutions to take effect, especially from the artists' intellectual codes of refusal and radical gestures.
Demokratisierung der Suche? Von der Kritik zum gesellschaftlich orientierten Design (de)
Deep Search. Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google
Bernhard Rieder (2009)
Seit die Techniker der Digital Equipment Company 1995 AltaVista einführten, die erste große Suchmaschine für das World Wide Web, hat sich vieles verändert. 2009 ist das Web die zentrale Plattform für alles, was mit Information und Kommunikation zu tun hat: es bietet Raum für eine Vielfalt von Aktivitäten und Vorgängen, die früher über zahlreiche verschiedene Kanäle verteilt waren.
The Second Index. Search Engines, Personalization and Surveillance (en)
Deep Search
Felix Stalder | Christine Mayer (2009)
Search engines have embarked on an extremely ambitious project, organizing the world’s information. As we are moving deeper into dynamic, informationrich environments, their importance is set to increase. In order to overcome the limitations of a general topological organization of information and to develop a personalized framework, a new model of the world is assumed: everyone’s world is different. To implement this, search engines need to know an almost infinite amount of information about their users.
Search Engine Law and Freedom of Expression. A European Perspective (en)
Deep Search. The Politics of Search beyond Google
Joris van Hoboken (2009)
Search engines are amongst the most used services by Internet users and are central to the navigation of the Web. In fact, they are an indispensable component of the Internet’s promise of democratizing access to information. Search engine law and policy should react by making freedom of expression a dominant concern underlying legal and policy choices with regard to Web search engines.
Die Bibliothek im Informationszeitalter. 6000 Jahre Schrift (de)
Deep Search. Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google
Robert Darnton (2009)
Information wächst explosionsartig, und die Informationstechnologie ändert sich so rasch, dass wir vor einem grundsätzlichen Problem stehen: Wie ist in dieser neuen Landschaft Orientierung möglich? Was wird etwa aus wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken angesichts technischer Wunderwerke wie Google?
Periphere Kräfte. Zur Relevanz von Marginalität in Netzwerken (de)
Deep Search. Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google
Metahaven | Tsila Hassine | Gon Zifroni (2009)
Gegenstand dieses Beitrags ist das Ranking. Das Ranking ist der schwer greifbare, komplizierte, im Inneren der Suchmaschine verborgene Mechanismus, der unsere Interaktion mit den Informationen im Web strukturiert. Trotz der Komplexität des Ranking sieht die Suche bei den meisten Suchmaschinen täuschend einfach aus: man schreibt ein Wort in das leere Textfeld, in dem der Cursor blinkt, klickt auf „Suche“ und erhält eine Liste mit Resultaten.
From Trust to Tracks. A Technology Assessment Perspective Revisited (en)
Deep Search. The Politics of Search beyond Google, Deep Search conference 2008
Claire Lobet-Maris (November 2008)
Over the three last decades, technology assessment has evolved both regarding its concept of technology-society interactions and its political or societal responsibilities. Traditionally, two generations of technology assessment are differentiated.
Dissecting the Gatekeepers - Relational Perspectives on the Power of Search Engines (en)
Deep Search. The Politics of Search beyond Google, Deep Search conference 2008
Theo Roehle (2008)
The advent of new media technologies is almost inevitably accompanied by discourses that oscillate between technological and social determinism. In the utopian version of these accounts, technology is seen as supporting democratic social dynamics, in the dystopian version it instead becomes a colonizing force that pre-structures individual and group behavior. Search engines, once heralded as empowering tools to navigate online spaces, now increasingly described as “evil” manipulators and data collectors, have been no exception to this rule.
Democratizing Search? From Critique to Society-oriented Design (en)
Deep Search. The Politics of Search beyond Google, Deep Search conference 2008
Bernhard Rieder (November 2008)
This central role of search engines has brought a considerable amount of critical attention to these technical artifacts and, more recently, to the companies that build them.
Society of the Query. The Googlization of our Lives (en)
Deep Search. The Politics of Search beyond Google
Geert Lovink (2008)
Every week we see the launch of yet another Google initiative. Even for informed insiders it is next to impossible to keep up, let alone reveal a master plan. As we write, mid-April 2008, there is the Google App Engine, “a developer tool that enables you to run your web applications on Google’s infrastructure”. It’s a perfect example of how a company that owns today’s infrastructure is able to concentrate more power.
wahlkabine.at: Ein Instrument politischer Bildung
Monika Mokre (29.09.2008)
Orientierungshilfe bei Nationalratswahl 2008 wichtiger denn je - Stellungnahme der Vorsitzenden der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft
The Repressed is Never Silent
Strategic Reality Dictionary
Critical Art Ensemble (August 2008)
The Critical Art Ensemble on Konrad Becker's "Strategic Reality Dictionary"
The Library in the Information Age. 6000 Years of Script (en)
Deep Search. The Politics of Search beyond Google
Robert Darnton (12.06.2008)
Information is exploding so furiously around us and information technology is changing at such bewildering speed that we face a fundamental problem: How to orient ourselves in the new landscape? What, for example, will become of research libraries in the face of technological marvels such as Google?
Public Netbase. A Political Controversy (en)
Non Stop Future
Konrad Becker | Martin Wassermair (2008)
In January 2006, the City of Vienna cut all funding for the Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, forcing the final closure of the successful media culture institution Public Netbase, along with the discontinuation of all international research activities and projects.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Public Domain
Non Stop Future, nettime
Eric Kluitenberg (May 2008)
This FAQ about the public domain has been re-edited for the sixth time after it first appeared in Dutch language. The original Dutch version was the result of an extensive "Public Research" called "Public Domain 2.0", carried out by the Society for Old and New Media (Waag Society) in Amsterdam in the beginning of 1998. Version 7.0.
Torrents of Desire and the Shape of the Informational Landscape
Non Stop Future
Felix Stalder (2008)
Despite very considerable resistance by the established cultural industries, whose business model is predicated on the scarcity of cultural goods, an environment is beginning to emerge where such goods, in their digital form, are abundant. One of the key social technologies of this abundance is peer-to-peer file sharing. Many of the goods on these networks have become abundant in clear disrespect of existing copyright restrictions, placing the providers outside the (commercial) mainstream. Thus, financial profit cannot be regarded as the main driver of this development, even if it is part of it. At the same time, a coherent political or social program cannot be detected either. Thus, file-sharing cannot be thought of as political movement or as part of civil society. What, then, pushing forward this development? The article argues for that file sharing reveals, in its rawest form, one of the fundamental forces generating the emergence of abundance: The desire as will-to-existence, which, in an informational environment, requires producing communication (rather than just receiving it).

Public Netbase: Non Stop Future - Editorial
Non Stop Future
Public Netbase: Non Stop Future. New practices in Art and Media
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org
World-Information.Org (2008)
World-Information.org was set up as a trans-national cultural intelligence provider, a collaborative effort of artists, scientists and technicians. It is a practical example for a technical and contextual environment for cultural production and an independent platform of critical media intelligence.
When State of Emergency Becomes a Constant
World-Information.Org Serbia (Novi Sad / Belgrade) 2003, Non Stop Future
Branka Ćurčić (2008)
During the very preparation of the exhibition World-Information.Org in Novi Sad, Serbia, on the March 12th, 2003, 10 days before the opening, Zoran Đinđić, Prime Minister of Serbia was assassinated. The same day, state of emergency was declared in the country, with the aim to investigate his assassination and to arrest the perpetrators, followed by greater authority of the police to act, in a period of over one month.
World-Information.Org Mission in Serbia
World-Information.Org Serbia (Novi Sad / Belgrade) 2003, Non Stop Future
Dejan Sretenović (2008)
World-Information.Org mission in Serbia is quite specific regarding its historical experience of control and conflict in the sphere of information and commmunication, poor technical infrastructure, as well as insufficient interest of the public for use of ICT potentials in actual processes of social transformations and cultural shifts
The Vienna Document - Xnational Net Culture and "The Need to Know" of Information Societies
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org
Open Cultures Working Group (2008)
Vienna Draft Document by the Open Cultures Working Group hosted by "Towards a Culture of Open Networks" – a collaborative program developed by Sarai CSDS (Delhi), Waag Society (Amsterdam) and World-Information.Org (Vienna).
World-Information Forum Vienna (2000): Conference Report
Non Stop Future, World-Information.Org, World-Information Forum Vienna
World-Information.Org (2008)
The World Information Forum, held in connection with the World Information Exhibition at Vienna's Technical Museum, brought together a number of distinguished speakers who all addressed, each from a different perspective, the political and artistic dilemmas as well as the opportunities contained in the transition to a digital world
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...is a semantically connected content repository, which contains documents on 15 years of new practices in art and media.

Based on an extensive archive going back to 1994 the site collects materials that serve as important reference documents in the field of new media, politics, and art and makes them accessible to a wider public. Instead of a hierarchically structured archive an experimental navigation interface opens up new ways to explore large information nodes. Documents are associated by a range of tag that allow to filter relevance according to topics and issue relations. ASCR, short for Advanced Semantic Content Repository, is the open source information architecture and "editing back end" of Future Non Stop.

Future Non Stop is a project of:
Institute for New Culture Technologies/ t0.
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